
Already Applying the Accompaniment Styles to Other Songs

分享者Flordelis D. Baguio  美國居民 於2014-10-15發表 


Sir, you are a super duper musician. Your piano method is awesome. It's simple, yet concise & comprehensive. I' m starting to work on Fur Elise coz it's more familiar to me. I'm a complete stranger to Finding You & Marriage D Amour. It's my first time hearing them. I'm already applying the accompaniment styles to the other songs I know. It works & I'm glad. I'm beginning to do keyboard improvisation, still slow & takes time it's fun doing your own way. I like your numeric progressions. I can easily visualize the "chord runs" by the number than by chord names. I have a visual memory of the intervals. The "So fa" sheet is so helpful in memorization. It really makes you use your ears more than your eyes . Keep up the good work. Thank you for creating such a wonderful method. I'm aiming for the Canon in D for the next.

標籤: 海外學員 

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